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Showing posts from May, 2016

Sex Education.......What school doesn't teach you.

I vaguely remember taking a "sex education" course, in Middle School. It was 6th or 7th grade. I remember being in the classroom. Giggling at uncomfortable words. But I cannot recall anything learned, that day. We probably talked about menstruation -periods. I hadn't had mine, yet. (When I did, I was 12, it was the Summer before I began 8th grade birthday is late....November). I think we were combined- boys and girls in that space. And I am pretty sure that made most of us prepubescent schoolchildren awkwardly uncomfortable. Sex Education courses serve a good purpose. Overall, the intention is to give information about things our bodies go through. Hormones, puberty, arousal. How babies are made. But most sex ed classes are standard classes. In this age, there are many people who consider themselves"sexperts"- experts of all things sex. They can tell you how to get pregnant. How to NOT get pregnant. How to have an orgasm. How to stretch an orgasm. How ...