I write in hopes of helping SOMEONE. I use my "voice" because someone out there needs to "hear" what I am saying. And I write to help myself, heal. I'll be perfectly honest... I am a mess. I have broken parts. Scars. Hurts. Grief. I'm human. Many of us carry these things. The key is to work through it. I say, pretty often, "do the work". It's easy to roll off my tongue. Not so easy to put into practice. Doing the work means actually peeling back those layers we have buried under some mundane task or filler. To do the work requires us to look WITHIN. Point out our OWN flaws and mess. THEN work on it. Work through every emotion that is brought (back) to the surface. Work through what we suppressed and depressed. And that, my friends, is not easy. Writing is my outlet. It has saved me many times. There are journals and papers that hold secrets I am ashamed to tell. Emotions I swam deeply in. Feelings I don't ever want to feel again. T...