“Not Traditionally Attractive” was a phrase I heard a woman use, a few months ago. I cannot remember the exact context in which the phrase was used, but the phrase-itself-has stayed with me. I’m not traditionally attractive. There’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t find myself unattractive. I just accept me and my beauty for what and how it is. But this post isn’t about how attractive I am (or not). Though I respect certain traditions and history, I’d say I defy tradition as a whole. If it resonates with me, great. But I don’t fall into the habit of doing things, blindly, just because they’ve always been done. My relationship dynamics are not traditional. Some may label them unorthodox. Some will try to understand. And others will not be open to anything outside the norm. I like to think I’m a free thinker. I’m comfortable outside the box. I take the road less traveled, the off beaten path. Not to be defiant. Just to be true to who I am. Monogamy has never really felt good to me....