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Showing posts from April, 2016

Slut shaming/Sexual Liberation

What is "slut shaming"? I define it as attempts to make females feel insecure or bad about their own choices regarding sex, sexuality, sexual preferences and any other related behavior. Have I been slut shamed? Yes. By family members and a guy I once had a relationship with. I was super insecure, back then, surrounding my sexual choices because of shaming. I never want a female to go through that shit. Sex is religion, to some people. It truly is a spiritual act. It connects bodies. It connects energies, too. It is a beautiful thing to share. No one should be forced into it, nor made fun of for choosing it. And when I started having it, I didn't possess this knowledge. Insecure me was seeking something sex couldn't give me. And I sought from a few sources. But I know better, so I do better. And I hope to help other females do better, by teaching them these things. Giving them the tools they need. I've stated many times, my past experiences have shaped me ...