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Slut shaming/Sexual Liberation

What is "slut shaming"?
I define it as attempts to make females feel insecure or bad about their own choices regarding sex, sexuality, sexual preferences and any other related behavior.

Have I been slut shamed?
Yes. By family members and a guy I once had a relationship with. I was super insecure, back then, surrounding my sexual choices because of shaming. I never want a female to go through that shit.
Sex is religion, to some people. It truly is a spiritual act. It connects bodies. It connects energies, too. It is a beautiful thing to share. No one should be forced into it, nor made fun of for choosing it. And when I started having it, I didn't possess this knowledge. Insecure me was seeking something sex couldn't give me. And I sought from a few sources. But I know better, so I do better. And I hope to help other females do better, by teaching them these things. Giving them the tools they need.

I've stated many times, my past experiences have shaped me into the woman I am, today. I am stronger because of it. I have broke pieces, too, because of it.

Slut shaming occurs, in MY opinion, when others cannot control a female. We tend to label things we do not understand. We (people) like to box others in rather than accept them for their choices.

What is a slut?
I don't know. I've asked that question numerous times and have yet to receive an concise, logical answer. If you are a woman who likes sex, you might be labeled a slut. If you've had sex with more than one man, you might be labeled a slut. If you are unmarried and not a virgin, you might be labeled a slut. If you are married and you enjoy sex, you might be labeled a slut.

Women......females are more than a vagina. We are more than incubators. We are diverse beings. We have goals, dreams and aspirations, too. And quite frankly, some of us enjoy sex. Kinky sex. Hot, sweaty sex. Sex with multiple partners. Sex with the same sex. Raunchy, borderline porno sex. Oral sex. Anal sex. And we have every right to own that and not feel ashamed of ourselves.

Am I a sexually liberated woman?
On my personal scale, yes. Anything I have wanted to try, I have tried. But I am still consciously aware if how others might perceive me. Even so, I am not ashamed to enjoy sex. Too many females are taught that enjoying sex is wrong. Immoral. Something only "loose" women do.

I don't promote promiscuity. I do promote knowledge of sex, sex partners history, what pleases oneself. I promote making smart, healthy decisions with sex. Whether you have multiple partners or just one, only do what feels right for YOU. And own that. Be secure in your decisions.
I believe that sexual liberation is not about having numerous sexual partners. It is the ownership and security one possesses around their sexuality. It is releasing yourself from shame, embarrassment, judgment, insecurity related to your sex life. To be sexually liberated is to be free to express yourself in the most sacred way. It's merging the physical and spiritual. It's doing you, however the hell you wanna do you!!! Be safe. Be wise. Be YOU!!



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