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Showing posts from January, 2016

Self Confidence

This week's group topic was "Self Confidence". And I saw that topic play out multiple times, this week. It's not just girls who struggle with it. Women, boys, and men, (I'm sure they do)too. I had a conversation with a 4th grade boy who thinks everyone is against him. His words spoke of a broken spirit. He lacks self confidence. There was a Middle school girl who was feeling self conscious about her hair. I helped her fix it into a style she would be okay with. I totally felt her pain. I, being a natural hair wearer, struggle with taming my mane, too. (I'm ready to cut mine all off, again). Self confidence is a reoccurring (though rare) issue I, too, struggle with. It's important to have conversations about these things. So I created a page of confidence boosting quotes and handed them out. I am confident in universal law-whomever needs it will receive it. ~Nicole

I AM a mentor.....

We finally had one big group meeting....with all the girls. There are about 35 girls total. I handed out group packets and went over our tentative itinerary. One thing that makes me smile is how, daily, girls ask me "are we meeting today". Knowing that they are excited about being a part of this is humbling and exciting. I want girls to feel safe to share. I want them to bond with each other. To understand how powerful females are and embrace that. And I want them to gather information. See, I never had certain talks with my Mother. Well, I should say, she never had those talks with ME. I learned from experience and ignorance. I'm not upset with my mother. She could only give what she had. Teach from what she knew. All my experiences shaped me into who I am and how I am. I'm very open and expressive and I encourage that with my son and my mentees. I express myself through writing and teaching. I recently read a Maya Angelou book where she stated she found out her call...

For you, for me.......

I began having doubts about whether or not I am actually "fit" to coordinate a group for girls. And I realized I am. In my attempts to assist others, I am -in turn- assisting myself. See, many people post good advice. Great advice, even. And it's not necessarily for those reading it as much as it is vital for the poster. Saying things aloud....writing them therapeutic. So, we set out to heal others and in doing so we also allow ourselves to heal. I can do this. I can help these young ladies navigate this journey to womanhood. I can give advice. I have life experiences. Creating this group has been my refuge since my brother passed. Being of service to others has always brought me joy. ~Nicole