Period. Menstruation. Time of the month. Moon cycle. Whatever you call it, it is something most females will, one day, experience.
Definition- the process of discharging blood and other stuff from the lining of the uterus, usually once a month. From puberty until menopause.
The year was 1996. I was 12 years old and it was Summertime. "The Diary of Anne Frank" was my favorite book. As Anne, I was also looking forward to getting my first period......and first kiss. But I digress.
It happened on a weekday. I was taking my morning "pee" before Dance Team camp. I was shocked to wipe blood, for I had been longing for it to come and it had never happened, thus far. But I was excited "it" finally came. I told my mom and my sister and put on a pad. And my days of becoming a woman, began.
Soooo....I've been menstruating/bleeding for 20 years. And I've learned a lot about my body and my options.
I've learned to pamper myself durring that time. Hot, bubble baths are what I enjoy the most. I'm relaxed and relieved of cramps.
Rest, when your body needs it. If you wanna lie down....LIE DOWN! You are losing blood, even though your body replenishes it. Take time for yourself. Relax and just be. After all, it is YOUR time of the month.
What to wear?
We have options. Some options you've probably never heard of. There are (disposable/ maxi) pads- which you take off and throw away after a few hours. Change it and put another on.
Tampons- which I wouldn't recommend for young girls just starting out. You insert it into your vagina and it sops up the blood. To remove, pull the string, take it out, and replace it with another. If you're a heavy bleeder, you might wanna place a pad on, even if you are wearing a tampon, for extra protection. Yes, you can wear tampons of you are a virgin. No, it won't break your virginity.
Cloth pads. Pads that can be washed and reused.
Menstrual (Diva) cups-It catches the blood. Pour blood out, rinse cup and put back in.
Choose whatever option is most comfortable for you.
Altering your diet can help alleviate pain (cramps) and can lighten the length of your cycle. Changing your diet, eating right, can obviously change your life.
You CAN swim and not attract the sharks!! There were so many stories about not swimming in bodies of water (beaches...etc) during your cycle, lest you wanna attract the sharks-which we know are attracted to blood. 😆 And you can swim in pools without leaving blood puddles or having a streak of blood follow you around.
No more feeling insecure or ashame because you leaked a little blood or have stained underwear. Bleeding monthly (sometimes more, sometimes less) is normal. And one day....many years from the starting will end.
Women are magical. So powerful. Create rituals for your moon cycle. Make your time of the month YOUR TIME!!
Much love,
Nicole Rene
Definition- the process of discharging blood and other stuff from the lining of the uterus, usually once a month. From puberty until menopause.
The year was 1996. I was 12 years old and it was Summertime. "The Diary of Anne Frank" was my favorite book. As Anne, I was also looking forward to getting my first period......and first kiss. But I digress.
It happened on a weekday. I was taking my morning "pee" before Dance Team camp. I was shocked to wipe blood, for I had been longing for it to come and it had never happened, thus far. But I was excited "it" finally came. I told my mom and my sister and put on a pad. And my days of becoming a woman, began.
Soooo....I've been menstruating/bleeding for 20 years. And I've learned a lot about my body and my options.
I've learned to pamper myself durring that time. Hot, bubble baths are what I enjoy the most. I'm relaxed and relieved of cramps.
Rest, when your body needs it. If you wanna lie down....LIE DOWN! You are losing blood, even though your body replenishes it. Take time for yourself. Relax and just be. After all, it is YOUR time of the month.
What to wear?
We have options. Some options you've probably never heard of. There are (disposable/ maxi) pads- which you take off and throw away after a few hours. Change it and put another on.
Tampons- which I wouldn't recommend for young girls just starting out. You insert it into your vagina and it sops up the blood. To remove, pull the string, take it out, and replace it with another. If you're a heavy bleeder, you might wanna place a pad on, even if you are wearing a tampon, for extra protection. Yes, you can wear tampons of you are a virgin. No, it won't break your virginity.
Cloth pads. Pads that can be washed and reused.
Menstrual (Diva) cups-It catches the blood. Pour blood out, rinse cup and put back in.
Choose whatever option is most comfortable for you.
Altering your diet can help alleviate pain (cramps) and can lighten the length of your cycle. Changing your diet, eating right, can obviously change your life.
You CAN swim and not attract the sharks!! There were so many stories about not swimming in bodies of water (beaches...etc) during your cycle, lest you wanna attract the sharks-which we know are attracted to blood. 😆 And you can swim in pools without leaving blood puddles or having a streak of blood follow you around.
No more feeling insecure or ashame because you leaked a little blood or have stained underwear. Bleeding monthly (sometimes more, sometimes less) is normal. And one day....many years from the starting will end.
Women are magical. So powerful. Create rituals for your moon cycle. Make your time of the month YOUR TIME!!
Much love,
Nicole Rene
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