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Aging, Beautifully

There is something absolutely wonderful and beautiful about aging. With age comes knowledge, wisdom, growth. The longer we live and the more we experience, the more knowledgeable we become. Or, at least, that’s how it SHOULD be.

I’m 35. I’ll be 36 in November. As I navigate the dating scene, I am almost always met with the question “Do you want to have more kids”? If I (or any woman my age or older) were to conceive a child, it’d be labeled a .......wait for it...... GERIATRIC PREGNANCY. Yes, that is what it’s called when a woman-35+ gets pregnant. I’ll probably still menstruate another 12-15 years, so I shake my head at that term. It’s a reminder of how devalued women of a certain age become. 

I’m not a fan of social media . If I didn’t blog/write, I’d not even engage. So I never feel like I’m competing with or trying to keep up with women in their 20’s who post sexual content on their pages for attention or likes. It’s their life and their choice. I just know I’m past that age. And I appreciate where I am. I listen to the radio and hear the sexually explicit lyrics some of these females spew. And all I can say is I remember being there.....not knowing how to hone my sexual liberation. I’m not saying they don’t own it or know what they are doing. I just know I’m grateful for my 30’s because they have shown me how much I have grown from my 20’s. I was, at times, reckless and naive, thinking I knew it all. I realize I don’t and I will only keep learning as I age and grow. 

I see how women in all areas of life are, at times, dismissed and discarded due to aging. Our aging process is beautiful. It’s a collection of what we have learned and are able to teach others. I cringe when I hear actresses and performers talk about how they have been tossed aside because they have “aged out” in certain areas. Men rarely have that issue. Older women are discarded in relationships for younger women. FYI: Younger women who feel like you are doing g something by involving yourself with a man who is in a relationship with or has left an older woman to be with you-wait until you age and he discards you for the younger woman. There’s beauty in aging. Our bodies change. So what! We get wrinkles and gray hair. So what? At our core, we are who we are. Beautiful beings. 

So instead of getting in my feelings when I see the negative treatment of aging women, I remember how strong and resilient we are. And I remember all we women have endured and fought for. We are absolutely beautiful, life giving, king making, nurturing, creative, successful, strong, world turning beings who should be respected for all we do! And I long to hear women who came befor me tell stories of how they got to where they are. I cannot wait to be THAT woman-sharing my wisdom with generations to come after me. 

We may age, but we are doing a damn good job at it!



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