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Speak on it.....

Dissension is and always will be a part of life. As long as there is free will, differences will exist. The beauty of life is not having a world of "yes men". It's having free thinkers. Critical thinkers. Those who comply. Those who challenge the norm, rebel, and buck the system. Anywho, this week, there was an incident of cyber bullying. (During my time in school, the internet was not what it currently is. And phones were used for calling and receiving calls. No texts or pics.) My first inclination was to step in, give my personal opinion, and attempt to "fix" the problem. Scholars Sanctuary is a place where girls should be/feel safe AND gain the tools to effectively and purposefully speak up for themselves and speak out against anything meant to hurt them. We are molding little critical thinkers. Females with their own opinions. Ladies who speak with purpose and confidence. The situation has been addressed, and appropriate steps have been taken to eliminate this from happening, again. (Incident was with a group member and a non group member). Many times I have to step back and realize that we are instilling some good shit within these girls. I'm always reminded of myself at that age. What I went through. How I treated others and was treated. I'm a part of something great. There are 25 great girls who I know will be game changers in this world. I'm just glad to be a part of assisting them, when needed. Glad I can share my experiences, mistakes, accomplishments with them. But mostly, I am glad I have created a place for them to just BE.


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